Dear Hakai Magazine Reader, Who Are You?
We’re into our third year of publishing, and we’d like to get to know you better.
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On Earth Day of this year, Hakai Magazine celebrated its second anniversary. It’s been a great few years of telling stories about coastal science and societies from Iceland, to Australia, to Hauyat, British Columbia, and beyond—no coastline is safe from our curiosity.
We’ve reached a number of our goals in the past two years, yet one has eluded us in the this age of digital publishing: who exactly are our readers? We’re happy to see you reaching out on Facebook and through Twitter, to let us know what you think and giving us some insight into what you value about Hakai Magazine. As we grow, we’re constantly looking to adapt and try new things. We have a goal and vision for the magazine, but we also want to know what you, our readers, want.
So, we ask: who are you? (And this isn’t a market research survey. There’s no analytics happening. We just want to know what you think.) So, via Facebook, Twitter, or by emailing us here, let us know:
Who are you? What do you do? What’s your background? What is your interest in a magazine about coastal science and societies?
Why do you read Hakai Magazine? What do you get here that you don’t get elsewhere? What kinds of information or stories are you looking for?
How did you hear about us? We’re still pretty new, and we’re trying to spread the word.
What do you like about Hakai Magazine? What don’t you like? Be blunt!
Also, in case you missed it, check out these collection of some of our favorite stories, videos, and photo essays from our first and second years.