Josh Gabbatiss’s Contributions:
Even Sea Monsters Got the Bends
Forensic analysis of modern turtles unveils an unexpected cause of death for ancient marine reptiles.
Oct 4, 2017 | 600 words, about 3 minutes
Seafood Is Getting Less Nutritious
Ocean warming and acidification are hurting the nutritional value—and the taste—of some seafood.
May 24, 2017 | 500 words, about 2 minutes
Nice Egg, but What’s the Point?
Scientists have a new explanation for why guillemots lay such pointy eggs.
Mar 27, 2017 | 600 words, about 3 minutes
Seabirds’ Death-Defying Dives
Some seabirds dive into water at astonishing speeds, so why don’t they hurt themselves?
Oct 19, 2016 | 600 words, about 3 minutes
Why Running Cold Lets Some Creatures Grow Old
Geneticists are discovering an intriguing connection between cold bodies and extraordinary longevity.
Sep 13, 2016 | 500 words, about 2 minutes