Beauty and the Feast: When Herring Come to Spawn
Every spring, nature puts on a breathtaking display on the British Columbia coast.
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Hakai Magazine will be shifting our resources and temporarily changing our publishing schedule due to the current pandemic. To help fill the gaps, we’ll keep you inspired with some nature-is-awesome content, much of which is produced by the stellar media team at the Hakai Institute. So many of us need a glimpse of the wild right now.
Every spring, nature puts on a breathtaking display on the British Columbia coast. The waters turn milky white as millions of male herring release sperm, while the female fish lay billions of pinhead-sized eggs. Both the eggs and the fish themselves are a critical post-winter food source for animals from bears to bald eagles, whales to wolves, and herons to humans. Travel to the BC central coast to watch the show!
Videography by Grant Callegari
Produced and edited by Meigan Henry
Field production by Josh Silberg
Additional footage by Tristan Blaine and VideoBlocks