Hakai Magazine


Welcome to Crazy Town

At first glance, the rocky shores of Calvert Island, British Columbia, don’t seem like a very hospitable place for an animal.

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by the Hakai Institute

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Hakai Magazine will be shifting our resources and temporarily changing our publishing schedule due to the current pandemic. To help fill the gaps, we’ll keep you inspired with some nature-is-awesome content, much of which is produced by the stellar media team at the Hakai Institute. So many of us need a glimpse of the wild right now.

At first glance, the rocky shores of Calvert Island, British Columbia, don’t seem like a very hospitable place for an animal.

And yet on these wave-battered rocks, we find life stacked on life layered on even more life. Here, the name of the game is to hang on, don’t dry out in the sun, and don’t get eaten.

Come with us to explore a site ecologists affectionately call Crazy Town.

Produced and edited by Grant Callegari
Produced by Josh Silberg
Videography by Grant Callegari and Tavish Campbell
Additional videography by Derek Van Maanen and Keith Holmes

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Cite this Article: “Welcome to Crazy Town,” Hakai Magazine, Mar 23, 2020, accessed February 11th, 2025, https://hakaimagazine.com/videos-visuals/welcome-to-crazy-town/.

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