John R. Platt
Author bio

Freelance journalist John R. Platt covers wildlife, endangered species, and cutting-edge technology for Scientific American, TakePart, Audubon, Motherboard, and other publications. He lives in Portland, Oregon, which of course means he has backyard chickens.
Feb 2, 2017 | 550 words, about 2 minutes
Dec 20, 2016 | 600 words, about 3 minutes
Dec 7, 2016 | 850 words, about 4 minutes
Nov 30, 2016 | 650 words, about 3 minutes
Aug 26, 2016 | 800 words, about 4 minutes
Jun 14, 2016 | 550 words, about 2 minutes
May 10, 2016 | 500 words, about 2 minutes