Susan Cosier’s Contributions:
The Scent of Danger Makes These Fish Hulk Out
Some fish go through pronounced, yet reversible, physical changes when they sniff a predator’s trail.
Jul 5, 2021 | 750 words, about 3 minutes
Collecting Eiderdown in a (Polar) Bear Market
A warming Arctic could be trouble for the eider duck—and for the Inuit communities that collect its insulating feathers.
Nov 3, 2017 | 1,000 words, about 5 minutes
Preparing a Plastic Replacement
Scientists already know how to fix the plastic microbead problem. Now companies just need to do it.
Jun 4, 2015 | 750 words, about 3 minutes
Tanked: Killer Whales in Captivity
A new study shows that killer whales kept for show live shorter lives than those that swim free.
May 12, 2015 | 750 words, about 3 minutes