Killer Whales Are Insufferable Gossips
With new technology, scientists eavesdrop on the private conversations of these blubbery blabbermouths.
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This story was just a bit of fun for April Fool’s Day. To prevent it from inadvertently being taken seriously we have removed the text. Here are some real stories about whale culture that you might like, though:
One Ocean, Many Killer Whale Cultures
Iceland’s killer whale society is more fluid than that of their northeast Pacific peers.
The Power of Compassion
Why humpback whales rescue seals and why volunteering for beach cleanups improves your health.
What Happens When an Endangered Whale Pod Loses its Wise Old Grandma?
With the death of Granny, the matriarch of the northeast Pacific’s southern resident killer whales, a century’s worth of knowledge and leadership is lost as well.